6 Things You Should Do When You Don't Feel Like Drawing
Apr 14, 2022
I got to thinking this morning, about the differences between feeling like drawing, and actually doing it! For me, when I have a goal set for the week, it is easier for me to concentrate on reaching my goal than it is to sit around waiting for the feeling to motivate me. So, a lot of times if you just jump right in and start drawing, you will find that the feeling will come naturally. You will feel more inspired as you work on your project. So, here are a few things you can do when you just don’t “feel” like drawing, but you know, deep inside, this is where your growth really happens.
- Set a goal to draw every day: I recommend a minimum of 15 minutes per day. If you can pull that off, whether you feel like it or not, you will find yourself walking on the path to drawing with confidence.
- Join a Community Drawing Group: Pardon me for a little self-promotion, try The Daily Draw.
- Buy a Sketchbook: Commit to drawing one page per day (put your favorite subject/style here).
- Be Aware!: Have you ever seen the movie, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, starring Clint Eastwood? This movie title sums up everyone’s drawing experience. Once you get started you will find that your drawing is going to be bad and ugly! That’s ok though, because you will find some are good and as you put in the Practice and the Perseverance some are going to be very good!
- The 10,000 Hour Rule: Have you ever heard of the 10,000 Hour Rule? That rule states that in order to get really good at a craft or skill you have to invest 10,000 hours. That doesn’t mean it will take 10,000 hours of practice before you see improvement. That’s where you are going to invest 15 minutes a day. Do this for a week and you will begin to see improvement in your work.
I once did the math on this and 10,000 hours is like drawing for 5 years at 40 hours a week! Whoa! Who can do this? There is no way you are going to draw for 8 hours a day for 5 years, but you CAN do 15 minutes a day. You will find, as you invest your 15 minutes a day, you’re not stopping at 15 minutes, the next thing you know is it has been 20 minutes, then 30 and you just keep going! Then you will find yourself joining a group, taking a class, reading a blog…Wink! Wink!
If you draw for 15 minutes a day for 6 months, I guarantee you will see improvement!
- 10,000 Bad Drawings: So, let’s change that 10,000-hour rule to this, you have 10,000 bad drawings inside you. It’s my goal and your goal to get rid of them as quickly as possible. So, I’ll say that again, you have 10,000 bad drawings inside of you that are ugly. It’s our goal to get rid of them as quickly as possible. As soon as you get rid of them, you are going to be drawing like a star!
So, let’s wrap this up. If you do a drawing which you think is awful, that is great! Post it on our Facebook page and then say, man, that’s one less! That is one less of the 10,000 I need to crank out before I really start doing some great work. LOL
Once you eliminate the Bad and the Ugly, you will end up with the Good! Just like Clint Eastwood in the movie, “The Good the Bad and the Ugly”.
That’s it folks! I’m Kurt, and I’m a Dad Who Draws!
Struggling and not sure what or how to draw...
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